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Home (ART SHOW in Turkey) ("ART SHOW in ASIA (Turkey)" International Exhibition & Competition of Modern Art) copy
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Information about the author
Last name, first name of the author
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First and Last name of the participant in native language
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Author's e-mail
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Author's phone number
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Профессиональная группа | Professional Group
Member of the Eurasian Art Union
Professional (member of other associations and unions)
Student (over 17 years old)
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Title of the artwork
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Size (height*width), for three-dimensional art objects - three dimensions
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Year of creation
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Contest Section
Painting Competition
Watercolor Contest
Pastel Contest
Graphics Competition
Illustration Competition
Photography Competition
Animation Competition
Sculpture Competition
Textile Competition
Arts&Crafts Competition
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Working days in Russia: Urban romance
Working days in Russia: Rural romance
Working days in Russia: Sports romance
Working days in Russia: Military romance
Working days in Russia: Charity and mutual assistance
Working days in Russia: Achievements and greatness of the spirit
Working days in Russia: The power of life
Working days in Russia: Storytelling picture
Love for Russia: Illustrations of fairy tales and epics of Russia
Love for Russia: Academic sketches
Love for Russia: Symbolic Art
Love for Russia: Heraldry
Love for Russia: Patriot
Love for Russia: Traditions and modernity
Love for Russia: Storytelling picture
Love for Russia: Poster
Traditions of Russia: Family portrait
Traditions of Russia: Family life
Traditions of Russia: Family and pets
Traditions of Russia: Family and urban environment
Traditions of Russia: Family and nature
Traditions of Russia: Generations
Traditions of Russia: Still-life
Traditions of Russia: Traditional ornaments
Traditions of Russia: Holidays and festivities
Traditions of Russia: Storytelling picture
Russia's Victories: Portrait of a hero
Russia's Victories: Overcoming
Russia's Victories: Heroic deed
Russia's Victories: Military life
Russia's Victories: Symbols of valor
Russia's Victories: Humanity and compassion
Russia's Victories: Storytelling picture
Russia's Victories: Historical picture
Architecture of Russia: Temple architecture
Architecture of Russia: Architecture of the old city
Architecture of Russia: Architecture of a modern city
Architecture of Russia: Industrial architecture
Architecture of Russia: Architecture and Man
Architecture of Russia: Architectural achievements
Architecture of Russia: Futuristic architecture
Nature of Russia: Natural landscapes
Nature of Russia: Man-made landscapes and farmlands
Nature of Russia: Water landscapes (lakes and rivers)
Nature of Russia: Water seascapes
Nature of Russia: Landscapes of sunsets and sunrises
Nature of Russia: Landscapes by seasons
Nature of Russia: The symbolism of nature
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Форма участия | Participation method
PERSONAL PARTICIPATION (the author submits works to the exhibition at: India, New Delhi, Ferozeshah str., 24)
REMOTE PARTICIPATION: photocopy in art book A3
REMOTE PARTICIPATION: printing on paper and framing (40*60 cm)
REMOTE PARTICIPATION: printing on A4 foam board
REMOTE PARTICIPATION: printing on A3 foam board
REMOTE PARTICIPATION: printing on A2 foam board
REMOTE PARTICIPATION: printing on A1 foam board
DISTANT PARTICIPATION: The size of the work is up to 50 cm on the larger side.
DISTANT PARTICIPATION: The size of the work is from 51 to 80 cm. on the larger side
DISTANT PARTICIPATION: The size of the work is from 81 to 100 cm. on the larger side
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Photo of the contest artwork
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Photo of the author
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Scan or photo of membership card (up to 3 Mb)
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Additional materials (up to 10 Mb)
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What is the cost of your art object
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Комментарии и предложения
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Send the application form to the organizing committee
Send the application form to the organizing committee