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Home "КУКЛЫ МИРА": Виртуозы кукольного мастерства (CRAFTS, TEXTILE & SCULPTURE Section, "RUSSIAN ART WEEK" International Exhibition and Competition of Modern & Contemporary Art) copy copy copy
Information about the author
Last name, first name of the author
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First and Last name of the participant in native language
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Author's e-mail
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Author's phone number
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Professional Group
Member of the Eurasian Art Union
Professional (member of other associations and unions)
Student (over 15 years old)
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Варианты представления своих работ на проекте:
SOLO участие: участие в проекте одиночных кукольных арт-объектов
COLLECTION участие: участие в проекте единой коллекции кукольных арт-объектов
EXPO участие: участие в проекте нескольких коллекций кукольных арт-объектов
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Title of the artwork
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Size (height*width), for three-dimensional art objects - three dimensions
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Year of creation
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Exhibition Section
Artistic author's doll
Toys and fun
Heritage and traditions
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Artistic Author's Doll: Realistic doll
Artistic author's doll: Stylized doll
Artistic author's doll: Genre doll
Artistic author's doll: A doll in a historical costume
Artistic author's doll: Portrait doll
Artistic author's doll: Baby-ki (dolls babies and children)
Artistic author's doll: Miniature (dolls up to 10cm)
Toys and fun: Designer toys
nature" Toys and fun: Animals in a realistic style
Toys and fun: Teddy Bear and his friends.
Toys and fun: Teddy-doll
Toys and fun: OOAK doll (Reborn, Blythe, Paola Reina, Obitsu, etc.)
Toys and fun: A doll and a toy made of wool
Toys and fun: A knitted doll and a toy.
Toys and fun: A cotton doll and a toy.
Heritage and traditions: Amulet dolls, ritual and play dolls
Heritage and traditions: Replica dolls (artel, porcelain, textile)
Heritage and traditions: Natural material (phyto doll, herbalist, straw doll)
Heritage and Traditions: Attic Textile Doll
Heritage and traditions: Nesting dolls, dolls and wooden toys
Heritage and traditions: Dolls and toys made of clay and ceramics
Heritage and traditions: A modern doll in a folk costume
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Форма участия | Participation method
Personal participation: The size of the product is up to 50 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is from 51 to 80 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is from 81 to 120 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is from 121 to 180 cm. on the larger side
Personal participation: The size of the product is more than 181 cm. on the larger side
Distant (online) participation: in art-book A3
Distant (online) participation: printing on paper and framed
Distant (online) participation: printing on foam board А3
Distant (online) participation: printing on foam board А2
Distant (online) participation: printing on foam board А1
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Photo of the contest artwork
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Фотография конкурсного произведения (ПРОФИЛЬ), до 5 Мб
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Photo of the author
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Scan or photo of membership card (up to 3 Mb)
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Additional materials (up to 10 Mb)
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What is the cost of your art object
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Комментарии и предложения
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Send the application form to the organizing committee
Send the application form to the organizing committee